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Disembowell's avatar

Five Nights At Freddy's - Sexy Frederika



"Don't move."

The outstretched palm shoots out a thin, horizontal lazer which proceeds to scan your face. Your hands still raised, you squint, half-blinded as the beam travels down your nose; it doesn't seem to affect it's operation as the beam glides down to your chin and turns off with an audible click.

"He's clean."

As the assortment of black, hollow barrels - calmly held and for the most part aimed directly at your face - slowly lower and slide out of view a tall, darkly-clad and serious-looking man steps forward through the darkness and into the Security Office. He isn't wearing a helmet like the rest, though he seems to have extensive cybernetic implants where his left eye should be, idly projecting small holographic read-outs that constantly fill with information. It illuminates the rest of his grim, pitted face with an eerie blue light, making it your primary focus as the other dark figures shift into various positions both inside the office and out.

"You can probably tell who - or what - we are," he says pointedly, the harsh gravel of his voice conveying a very real sense of authority. "You know us as Sleepers. We've been told you have a little "biter" problem, as they're called in our business. To you, that means rampant AI." He pauses, his one human eye fixing you with a piercing gaze. "Would you happen to know anything about the situation?"

You shake your head. You're certain that telling him everything would be a very bad decision, so for your own safety and that of the animatronics (why are you even thinking of their safety?!), you decide to play dumb.

"We'll find out whether you're playing dumb," you wince, "or actually happen to be innocent. Apologies for the sudden power outage; standard operating procedure. Allow me to fill you in; you appear to be sitting right on top of a vast, highly dangerous "nest" of renegade AI. We can ensure your safety as long as you co-operate. Do I make myself clear?"

You nod, slowly lowering your arms. He raises a heavily armoured hand, pointing at the security keycard sat on your desk. You pass it to him without question and he slides it into a slot on his opposite wrist; the device emits a tiny beep and ejects the card, which he snatches and places into one of the ammunition-free "pockets" on his chest. "You won't need this any more. We'll see to the security upgrades when we're done here." He turns his gaze from you to the shorter - yet similarly armed to the teeth - individual at his side. "Fielding, fill him in on the rest. Olson, Malk and Tennet; you're with me. The rest of you stay and await further instruction."

Three of them respond with a nod and give their weapons a brief check. These "Sleepers" are armed for some serious action with what seem to be military-grade weapons and tech. They all have different loadouts, and their full-body blackened armour seems as varied as their weapon of choice, making them come across more like a band of mercenaries than professionals; they all have a distinct, grey insignia on the right breast of their chestplates. You begin to wonder exactly what you've got yourself into; the animatronics don't seem dangerous in the slightest, on the contrary you've been enjoying your employment as night guard and the constant "sessions" with the resident sex androids who seem to have taken a peculiar liking towards you. If you'd ever felt truly in danger, you would've done something about it. You're sure you would...

"So, hey... you." A second figure unmasks, this one a surprisingly handsome young man with neatly trimmed facial hair and vicious-looking scar carving a line from ear to mouth. He's wearing a wry grin and his excited eyes almost betray him as an inexperienced rookie.

"Sorry for "The Boss", he's never been too fond of customer service, hehe. You can call me Fielding. This here is Denzer and Volt -" he steps between the two quiet, masked figures standing either side of the door and slaps a hand on their shoulders. They don't flinch. "- aaand the new kid, Dizzy!" He motions behind you to the third masked individual - clearly a female, both in stance and armour - who shrugs and seems tired already of Fielding's cheerful presence. "Diz, get us some security feed in here. Hmm.. it says here you've been working this place for what - a month now? 27 days? close enough." You nod, standing and stepping away from your chair as "Dizzy" shoulders her weapon and helps herself to the security console; you could do it yourself but you don't want to get in anyone's way (you've never seen someone type so fast!). You stand against the wall, out of their way but facing them from the far side of the room. Fielding grins to himself, propping his rifle next to the door and adjusting the tools around his waist; Denzer relaxes the grip on his weapon and takes off his helmet - dark brown skin, a piercing through his nose and piercing blue-eyed gaze almost like their leader - certainly looking the part; Volt only steps to one side and adopts a watchful stance aimed squarely at you. You can't tell where he's looking behind the featureless visor but you decide not to face him in any case.

With a loud tap on the keyboard, "Dizzy" stands up and Fielding rubs his hands, planting them on the desk and leaning over to watch the live security feed. "Bit of a shit-hole, isn't it? You should've see the job we did last week my friend, never seen a place like it. Must've been royalty or something. Golden halls, statues out the arse, even the cleaning droids were gold-plated. Almost stole one for myself!" He squints at the camera. " Animatronic Storage. Looks like the place. You ever been there chap?" he says, turning to you. You're not sure how to reply, and Fielding turns back to the screen as if he didn't care. "Looks chilly."

You glance at Volt, still standing upright, both hands still holding onto his inordinately large pulse rifle. He doesn't seem to even register your presence. Denzer sighs and watches the feed from over Dizzy's shoulder; you crane your neck and watch the feed on-screen. They've reached cold storage; animatronic storage. As the large room is almost pitch black you assume, like the cameras, they're using some sort of infrared vision to find their way around. Fielding seems remarkably light-hearted and amused by the whole thing.

"This bunch of fuck-droids will never know what hit 'em. I've seen this sort of thing before; one droid grows a conscience, passes it round, pretty soon you've got a brothel tighter than a McVasey's black-hole stuffing murdered civvies into every crevice. Just watch, I guarantee this'll be beautiful."

You watch as the hulking frame of his leader stands before the large vault doors leading to storage. You can't hear the radio comms - they must be using a private line, invisible to your security systems - but you can see with points and gestures he's preparing to breach and enter. You want to stop them. The animatronics are innocent, you tell yourself. You don't want to see them deactivated, but at the same time you're powerless to intervene and you're adamant if you tried anything stupid, Volt's weapon would reduce you to a smear on the wall. You can only watch the monitor with the rest of them, unblinking. You see a thin ray of light cut through the darkness, gradually thickening as the storage vault door opens. The long, black shadow being cast behind the leader is joined by three others, as his men fall in behind him. They stand, weapons poised, waiting for the door to finish it's open cycle. Fielding turns to say something but is cut short, snapping his head back to the screen and leaning closer as if to confirm what he saw from the corner of his eye. The rest of you stare in silence. There was another shadow, behind them. You can make out the figure... tall, thin. An animatronic.

"Boss! Behind you!" shouts Fielding. "Davitz! Urgh, shit!" he yells, furiously tapping at his ear. Volt strides over to look at the screen; Denzer spits on the floor and grits his teeth; Dizzy remains silent. You panic. Are their comms down? Who - what could do something like that? You watch helplessly as the animatronic on the screen is joined by others, forming a silent line behind the men. You recognise them now; Foxy, Chica, Bonnie, Mangle. The men seem completely unaware. It's only when Fielding breaks his composure you realise something is horribly wrong; one of the men falls to his knees, clutching his helmet as a thick liquid oozes out of it; the animatronics instantly strike in rapid unison, offering the others little time for resistance as they are pulped, dismembered and impaled with alarming accuracy and speed. You didn't know the animatronics had such strength. The leader is tackled to the ground by Foxy and Bonnie who quickly latch onto each other, crushing him effortlessly between them. Fielding hammers the desk with his fist and lunges for his rifle, slapping Denzer on the back.

"D, with me. Volt, watch this prick; Diz, lock everything." Volt steps back and raises his gun, holding it level with your chest as Dizzy gets to work closing every major security gate in the building. All you can do is raise your hands and step back towards the wall, staring at Volt. As soon as the office door seals shut you begin to protest your innocence when Dizzy bolts up from the chair, silencing you as she rapidly spins full-circle and catches Volt by surprise; he almost doesn't have time to react, and when he does it's too late. She's spun past the muzzle of his rifle and carried the momentum into a lightning fast uppercut to his stomach. He drops his rifle and keels over, his internal organs visibly protruding from his lower back, and audibly vomits inside his helmet. You fall into the corner and look up at Dizzy, silently inspecting her gore-covered gauntlet, the black visor of her helmet hiding any emotion. She turns her head back towards Volt, now shuddering violently, rasping and bleeding like a stuck pig after the sudden attack. As all signs of life ebb from him, Dizzy turns to you and steps closer. You push back against the wall, looking at Volt's weapon but knowing you can't make it. She silently drops to her haunches as she reaches you. You close your eyes.

"Relax babe, I - we - know everything. Totally under control." You open your eyes to see Dizzy's suit unseal and fall away as she lifts off her helmet, revealing not a woman, but an animatronic. She brushes a lock of hair to one side and smiles at you. "Oh don't pretend you're not impressed! How did she do it?! they cry! How did they not know? Well it just so turns out this "Dizzy" had a little... accident... on the way here. You think their tools actually worked after I tampered with them, sweety? Oh, just checking the gear I said, hands off the grenades, rookie! they said... well, shouted actually. But they fell for it first time! Of course, all their things were infected already with a little "Freddy special" but I did love the whole "act like you're not trying to kill them" affair. Really helps settle the humours, you know?" She snickers to herself then looks at you with a big smile on her face. "Oh, pardon me. You can call me Frederika!" She flutters her eyelashes at you and, feinting a humurous regal air, offers you a smooth, soft hand. You knew exactly who she was as soon as you saw her face; the face of Frederika Fazbooty's, the eponymous Frederika herself...

You reach for her hand, but she pats it away and mounts you, pushing you back into the corner. You're surprised, and uncomfortable being so close to Volt's still-twitching corpse... but you can't help yourself. You look up into Frederika's eyes and know only one thing; you want this. It feels wrong, so wrong, but you're still dazed by everything that happened and aren't even concerned if Fielding returns. You place your hands on her thighs as she places her mouth next to your ear and gently unbuttons your trousers. "Oh, you'll probably need this. Wouldn't want Mr. Dead over there putting you off once we've started..." she whispers, planting a kiss on your face as she pops her discarded helmet over your head. It comes alive and suddenly you're looking at a high-grade synaptic interface complete with live feeds from both Fielding and Denzer, as well as the feed from the three unfortunate others. All vital signs are flatlined - Frederika guides you inside her warm, soft entrance with her hands - and it soon dawns on you all there is to see from each live feed are the other animatronics smiling back at you; somehow, they've hijacked the feeds and you're seeing through their eyes.

You can only watch helpless as you observe the animatronic's-eye-view. They sprint out of the door - Frederika holds you tighter, pushing the helmet into her breasts as she slowly increases speed, causing your toes to curl in pleasure - and bound through the complex with surprising grace, along corridors and passages you're all too familiar with, towards the Security Office. Towards you.

Gasping through the ecstacy, you're suddenly aware you can see the security door in four different angles. From the outside.

As the door yawns open you can barely hear your own yell as it's drowned out by the vociferous animatronics, only able to watch as your exposed flesh is perversely smothered and invaded by lips, fingers, breasts and feet from all directions.



Sorry for words. Lots of them. I'll proof-read in the morning. (It's 3am here in UK!)

Oh, and the dark subject matter - I need to be able to wrap this "mini story" up with the next (and final) release!

>>Warning! Kids, "Sleeper" is a dangerous vocation! Sexy animatronics are for sleeping WITH, not putting to sleep! To fuck WITH, not fuck OVER!<<


Mature Content

....Frederika?! by Disembowell

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